
Germany-based Ergon Bike Ergonomics, a global leader in bike components, presented its SR2 BioComp Concept Saddle for the first time at the EUROBIKE 2012 (29th August – 1st September.) At the world’s most important trade show in the bicycle industry, Ergon was awarded the 1st price (from a total of 439 entries from 28 countries) in the category “accessories” with its saddle sheet concept.

This unique saddle is made from flax fabrics which provides the saddle with outstanding vibration damping properties, superior lightness and a look like nothing else known to the industry before. This revolutionary saddle sheet concept is the fruitful result of a 1-year collaboration between ERGON and Bcomp – a Swiss company specialized in natural fiber composite solutions – providing ERGON with structural engineering, prototyping, processing, and the optimum fabric solutions from its ampliTex product range. Here you can read more about the SR2 project.

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