Participating in the promotion of global sustainability is a responsibility shared by all. As an entity committed to the manufacture of high-performance, sustainable products, we pledge, as a company, customer, supplier and employer, to take meaningful action that will have a lasting impact on a global scale. Our concern for the environment underlines our commitment to giving back to nature what it has given us.
The quest for decarbonization is an integral part of our daily mission at Bcomp. We integrate our efficient and sustainable solutions at every level, from development to operations and marketing, and all the way through to our customers, empowering them to have a sustainable impact throughout the life cycle of finished products. Bcomp’s diverse, high-performance team, acting cohesively as one, enables this sustainable business approach. Our workplace fosters transparency and support, based on trust, enabling us to effect real change.
As the year draws to a close, we’ve chosen to reimagine the concept of customer gifts for the second year running. We’ve chosen to contribute to the well-being of the planet by supporting a project that has a significant impact where it matters most. The Ocean Cleanup develops and scales technologies to rid the oceans of plastic by intercepting plastic in rivers to cut the inflow of pollution, and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean and won’t go away by itself. The Ocean Cleanup enables all forms of life to thrive in a healthier, plastic-free environment.
Oceans represent 71 percent of the earth’s surface and has a central role to play with global climate regulation. More than a third of the world population live in coastal areas and benefit from the precious resources that oceans and seas provide them. We believe it is vital to preserve the fragile ecosystems of the oceans from all kind of pollution so that all species can benefit as long as possible from the precious resources they have to offer.
The entire Bcomp team expresses heartfelt gratitude to all those who contribute to our ongoing success story. We look forward to the exciting developments and stories that 2024 has to offer!
Wishing you a happy holiday season and a prosperous year ahead in 2024!
To learn more about The Ocean Cleanup
To learn more about Oceans Conservation